
Reposit Web App

The alternative to a regular tenancy deposit. Respoit is here to disrupt the rental depost market. Why pay a 6 weeks deposit, when you can pay a non-refundable 1 week Reposit instead?

Client: Reposit   |   Involvement: Product Design

It's all about piece by piece

It's all about piece by piece

A Reposit, is the core of what the platform offers as a service. In this instance, a Reposit needs to be created. This is quite a long process and a bitesize process wanted to be used. Guiding the user through each step.

However, we didn’t want this to be as linear as the onboarding process, the user should be able to fill in the information as and when they see fit, but in manageable chunks. Showing the whole form but in slightly hidden sections, helped to show the Agent what information they would be needing for this process, but without intimidating them with huge form of fields.

Step by step

Step by step

We wanted to try and show the Agents quickly the benefits of using the Reposit Platform and how they can keep up-to-date with their progress in terms of commissions, Reposits sold etc.

However, simply dropping them into a Dashboard without any guidance wasn’t advisable. We chose to introduce some “Things to do next” to nudge them through the process until they were comfortable to use the platform without any guidance.

Let's talk scalability

Let's talk scalability

We needed to ensure that everything we were doing was scalable. An agent may only have 4 or 5 Reposits, but equally, another agent could have as many as 200.

Questions like, what if I’m managing a letting agency with multiple locations, different teams and regions?

What about training? If someone is new to the team and needs to know how to sell Reposit? All these things were thought about and accounted for in the architecture to ensure that if and when these things were being implemented, the design didn’t fall apart.

What about the tenant?!

What about the tenant?!

So of course, there’s the Agents setting up Reposits and managing their commissions and teams. But what about the tenants themselves?

We wanted the tenant side of the platform to be part of the same family aesthetically but more approachable from a design side of things. Areas were considered for imagery to try and give the design a warmer tone.

It needed to be very clear when the tenant needed to do something and when they didn’t, so alerts were made very prominent to the user.

How does it all look?

How does it all look?

Starting with creating a versatile design system which was easy to roll-out for both design and development was key.

Our time needed to be used efficiently and effectively to ensure the project wasn’t delayed.

Soft structural shades were used to house larger modules of information and higher contrasting hues were used for attracting attention and guiding the user.
